Memorial Work Weekend
Memorial Work Weekend
May 24th-May 26th - All Ages
Registration opens February
Weekend Overview
Join us for a special weekend to prepare Camp for an amazing summer! Help with gardening, building maintenance, brush trimming, painting and more—there’s something for all skill levels.
There will be Breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday and concluding with Breakfast on Monday, Memorial Day. The kitchen provides delicious, nutritious meals and accommodates most dietary restrictions. Please note special needs during registration.
Most of the camp cabins and RV sites will be available for your stay, unless they are scheduled for a work project. Let us know your preferences for a cabin or Schulze room.
Weekend Structure
Arrive Friday evening or Saturday. You may stay as long or short as you wish. Projects start after Saturday breakfast. Staff will organize teams for various tasks. Please bring work gloves if you have them and any tools you are skilled with. If you have a special skill area, we will try and pair you with a needed project.
In the evenings, there will be some fun, flexible activities available and time to relax and visit.
There is no charge for Work Weekend! We do count on you to make a donation for meals and expenses as you are able. We also ask each family to bring either some flowers to plant or a bag of beauty bark for around the lodge planters.