YILT - Youth in Leadership Training
YILT (Youth in Leadership Training) is back!
July 6 -16 - For entering grades 9-12
Application must be accepted before registering
Are you ready to go deeper and further in your faith than ever? Build relationships with a small group of students and prepare to be a leader in your school, youth group, or maybe someday work at Tall Timber on summer staff? Then YILT is for you. You will experience a week of intensive worship, Bible study, leadership training and Tall Timber’s best adventures including an overnight solo experience where it will be just you and God for 24 hours. The final few days will feature onsite and local service projects.
This camp has a limit of 12 students and requires an approved application in order to register. If you need more information contact aaron@talltimber.org
For students entering grades 9-12.
Cost: $795 - Scholarships Available